Monday, November 6, 2017


The following I took from my IH Scout faceb page

The, not so pretty side, old mule earned it's keep today. 107 miles pulling a trailer. Two kinds of road conditions - bumper to bumper start & stop and Arizona freeways (65-85). 13.7 mpg.

I was hauling Adam (Bill & Damn’s son) & Elisabeth’s furniture from a storage unit in Mesa to their house in Queen Creek. 2 Loads. It went fine. There were a few concerning moments. One was on the freeway headed out on the first run. I was following Adam watching his tail lights because I had never been to the new house and frankly don’t know Queen Creek all that well. So cruising down “60” at the going speed (about 75) when three other vehicles all decided they needed the same space which was right in front of ME ! Now that would have been fairly interesting whatever I was driving but in this case, me being in my almost 40 year old Scout with a homemade trailer behind, it was heart stopping interesting. I saw the second when they realized what was happening and it was too late to reverse their plan. Two of the three altered their plan and the third slipped right though while the other two continued in different directions with all of them crossing in between Adam and me– NOT where they were headed. Frankly two of the drivers did a remarkable job keeping control and adapting their destinations. I avoided locking up my brakes – A Scout with off-road tires, a trailer attached (Scout & Trailer both) loaded with furniture)) and at 70+ mph- if the brakes would have locked up, it would have been like a hockey puck on fast ice and ended up looking like a NASCAR super speedway wreck in the last laps. All that was going through my mind as I attempted to slow down enough to avoid what I was convinced was going to close the hiway (& likely . . .) and who knows what else. If that maneuver had been planned, it would never have worked. My options were VERY limited – slow down as quickly as possible without losing it (control of the Scout & trailer) none of which requires my complete attention so I got to witness it all in real time. Like there was anything else I could do but watch at that point & hope they missed me. I’m not sure if my heart skipped few beats or added a few extra in between it’s usual regular beating. I’ll say it was interesting and something else that I really haven’t quite figured out but I don’t want to try again –. Thank You Lord.
We got it all done – their stuff that was in storage ISN’T in storage NOW. All things considered, a good day.”

Well it WAS MONDAY Ha Ha Ha

The trailer is tucked in behind the fence, The Scout is in it’s parking place. I‘m still relaxing in the bar but a shower, a book and a beverage are calling me- probably just a chapter or two but. . .

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