Wednesday, November 1, 2017

8:00 PM

Wow that was close I almost skipped another day with “The News”. I knew Kurt was coming over to borrow my trailer. Well we HAD to sit and catch up a bit and then it went down hill as far as productivity goes. He was sure they had trailer wiring on their small pickup but when it was all hitched up and I was laying under it, there wasn’t any hook up. He was sure he’d had used a trailer in the last few years but they‘ve had the little red for a very long time. Now that I think about it I bet he’d borrowed David’s, their son’s pickup – anyway I rounded up the necessary wiring from my inventory and we went to a local trailer shop. It would have been several hours due to backed up work and cost way more than it was worth. His day got very messed up – My trailer is back in it’s lodging and I’m not sure how he dealt with it. They have storage units filled the antiques and collectibles to take to a sale Sat. There were some more complications involved so I don’t know how it has or will work out.
When that was over, as far as my participation, I was relaxing a bit and was hit with a bad case of sweet-tooth cravings. Now I’m here to tell ya that don’t happen often. When it does I don’t usually fight it much. I just find something to take care of it. That meant a trip to the grocery store – I ended up with a lemon pie and Cinnamon Raisin bread with some butter cream icing to go on it. The decision was difficult but the toasted Cinnamon Raisin bread with some butter cream icing won today. The pie is in the freezer as back up for the next time. I’m so unaccustomed to that situation that I do have problems addressing it when it does occur. I now have an inventory of “good stuff” that fits the need when it hits. (chuckle)
So the result of my productivity for the day is not much. I’m starting to think there may be a trend developing here and not a good one either. I know I need to create ‘routine’ that gets me going early. Once I’m rolling it’s not a problem but that initial start is tough. Who said something “about things in motion tend to remain in motion etc?” I don’t remember but I’m a perfect example of the inverse of that. (chuckle)

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