Thursday, December 7, 2017

I mentioned typing to Brian H and said someday maybe I'd tell him about how I started typing. I just sent an email with it TYPED out. Thought most everyone I know has heard it a few times but in case I missed someone or YOU forgot . . .

Typing- Not too long out of MP school I was assigned as an MP radio operator. Not like I had ANY input in it. I barely knew where the radio room was. The Desk Sgt. said "there's your chair and desk. This radio is Missouri HP in Rolla, That radio is county (Waynesville & St Roberts) and the last one is Ft Leonard Wood. There's the typewriter and here's your cheat sheet of call signs and instructions for the different procedures for the 3 agencies. You have to keep an accurate TYPEWRITTEN record of all events and transmissions. All the while directing our units as needed - Oh there's a map with all the patrol areas. Have a nice evening." LONG HARD nights learning all that and tons of notes kept and then entered in the log. Didn't take long for me to KNOW I would have to TYPE as it happened SOON. As I spent hours of MY TIME after my shift TYPING it all in the log. I'm still not fast or even accurate but I 'get her done' and I'm glad I learned a little typing. I was also even more glad to get out on the road and only have to type my incident reports but the typing made it a LOT easier. AAF735 Fort Leonard Wood's call sign?

Thanks for asking Brian. It was kind of fun to go back to SOME of those days.

"Double AF725, over & out"

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