Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tuesday 8:00 PM
Shorty’s appointment went very well. The doctor said it’ll take a while but you should get good vision back in that eye. He didn’t understand WHY the other doctor had prescribed what he did. After he was home
I took off to see a camping trailer. Early 60’s just the size I want but totally junk restoration wise and the frame and suspension were never any good. (in my less humble opinion). I went over it pretty well, roof to axle. There was just nothing to work with. Darn it ! It was just the size I want. I don’t want fancy, I sure don’t want big OR NEW. I like old – I’m OLD. Luxury I’ve experienced for brief moments and wasn’t impressed (maybe due to the briefness)(chuckle). I guess what I’m looking for probably isn’t available for what I’d pay but I’ll keep looking. It’s not a bucket list item- I’ve had several small campers and redone at least two– it’s more like an “anti-bucket list”. When you figure THAT out let me know- Be gentle, I’m fragile HA HA HA
In the mean time I have things to attend to here (old #5), plenty to attend to on my fleet of two antique vehicles and besides that it don’t take much to keep me involved, moving, active and the needed projects on “old #5 go on & on & on. Ain’t my first really old building or old vehicle either but it IS my first time being an antique.

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