Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tuesday 8:30 PM

Think I’m getting a touch – touched (in the head)? Wouldn’t be a bit surprised. I was out wondering around the vast spaces of “old #5” (chuckle) when I noticed that the Mealy Bugs were taking over the Prickly Pear Cactus. Nasty little critters that attack a couple species of cacti at their thorn bases and hijack the moisture and nutrients and create a white sticky substance and live and breed and can damage the cactus. Well obviously they are an enemy of old crusty then. I’ve tried the native’s brew, the scientific treatment for them and then the marketed treatment – Nope, Not worth the money or effort. String out a couple hundred feet of garden hose a pressure nozzle and wash them away. Messy – YEAH, cleanup YEAH (they bleed red), does it work better than the “approved methods? YEAH. A good Mexican friend from next door explained his dad used a mixture of non protein soak and sprayed them with it. Yep the non protein soap cost more the factory made “sure to get rid of them” stuff. Both sort of worked but nothing works for me more than a high pressure nozzle and a lot of garden hose. I have a lot of hose and well my time doesn’t cost much at the time- later on sometimes it costs more that I’d like to admit but – for a while they are gone. Well as long as I have the hose out and connected a few of the cacti look a little stressed, been dry for quite a while. A good drink from the CO. River should take care of that too. Got her done! PLUS I had time to shower and get to the Legion for “Happy Hour”. A good friend there was telling me about he and some friends went shooting this morning and one of their homemade targets shot back with a piece of shrapnel and got him in the leg. He dug the shrapnel out and packed the hole with “polley gripe. (denture adhesive)” Cracked me up, “he said it’s fine that leg doesn’t work all that well anyway!” They immediately started a re- design of their targets though. They DO use some heavy duty weapons. . .
Now just so you know I didn’t spent the entire day having fun. I DID get the West (Center St) Patio & Courtyard floor cleaned. Then as long as I was on a roll in that area I got the Center St. blvd. cleaned up and so I will say even though it wasn’t what I set out to do, SOME was included in the plan. Sooo my plan wasn’t totally ignored it just changed direction along the way. Hey ! It’s the retired way. . .

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