Thursday, July 27, 2017

On Break- noon – till 1:00 PM

Breakfast and it’s associated dishes along with a few days accumulation of dishes done and put away, kitchen clean & vanity clean. Back patio entry swept. Nope, no company expected just for me. (chuckle) I wish I could extend that area today-
I really have a terrible time with paper work. I have no business, I don’t have any formal investments and I don’t, for sure, have piles of money to keep track of– I have three regular bills- utilities, cable TV, internet & land line, one bill and car insurance one bill– YET I have piles of paperwork and they are growing disproportionately to the business of living. Oh Yeah I COULD go paperless. THEY would all like that but so far they don’t offer any motivation $$$ for doing it. There are a couple of documents I need to locate and I’m not looking forward to the process. One, just because of the – what file did I create and where is it? The other is a “memories” thing. Both are important and I know I have both and I know within a 3’ (well maybe 4’) circle of where they are - It’s all the other stuff that I have to decide to either pitch or make sure they are clearly labeled – ready for next time. (chuckle). I’m leaning very heavily in the PITCH direction right now. I always START that way but. . . The dumb thing is I COULD just print or “save to” a years copy of each in list form and not keep the originals OR just pitch them all, just keep them till they are paid or taken care of THEN pitch them. I wonder if my sense of those options is valid? I REALLY wonder if it makes any difference.
9:00 PM Update

Not a bad day, I didn’t get the filing done but quite a bit of progress and that’s AFTER I got it spread all over the bed. I did get it picked up moved off the bed (chuckle) after a call from Bill to take part in Dawn’s Birthday celebration dinner, a most welcome invitation. Yes folks, in some cases I do have my priorities straight. Happy Birthday Dawn and Thanks for sharing it.
I’m going to run a very scientific experiment tonight and probably a couple of nights following. I’m going to set my AC thermostat down to 87 degrees when I go to bed. I usually leave it at 90 all the time. Yeah, Yeah I’m cheap but I also am an outdoors type and getting accustomed to what most folks keep theirs set at and then going outside can be very unpleasant. The reason really is, I’m aiming for a better nights rest. I don’t ?think? the temperature has kept me awake but a few times a night I was aware of it. Maybe enough to disrupt my sleep patterns. We’ll see if I have enough patience to carry it through to some conclusion. Ha Ha Ha
I probably won’t last long at it if I wake up chilled and looking for covers.

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