Saturday, October 14, 2017

6:45 PM

Wow a Sat. evening post. They are collector items! (chuckle) My “today” started a few minutes after 2:00 AM this morning with the landline ringing. Never a good sign & a little/lot scary but in this case I think it was just a wrong number but then I suspect it was not a good sign for someone – a local residential number. I went to bed early the night before so I had some sleep BEFORE but not so much after. Then just as I was dozing off again the neighbor rolled their garbage can out to the street and I’m wide awake again. He goes to work about 4:00 AM so I can’t even get irritated at him TOO much. Not so at that time, I may have referred to him unfavorably but corrected that attitude when I realized why.
The parts came in for the Scout so I started on it this afternoon. YES what was supposed to be a simple quick fix turned out to be simple but NOT quick fix but the source of some of that MIGHT be me. Nah I’m pretty sure it has to be something else that I didn’t realize and can’t recall now. Ha Ha Ha

It’s still early but it sure doesn’t feel like it. Get to the shower and THEN decide what the remainder of the ‘short’ evening holds – there might be a book & beverage involved AFTER the shower - - - Hum- - - or maybe not. . .

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