Thursday, December 28, 2017

6:00 PM

Why yes, me & old Scout got some wood today and we both preformed fine. I got that load shown plus a 40 gal. can of kindling-that doesn’t even need re-cut. I also got the outer area of the shop cleaned up and started well on the putting away. The ‘putting away’ is the hard part- no place to put it. I keep telling myself “if I can’t see needing it in 3 months PITCH IT.” Then I remembered I’d re purposed some old hand truck tires to have a portable firewood rack TODAY. Didn’t even have to make a trip to the hardware store or a parts store. I now have a pile of tiny tires and some wheels to figure out where to stash or MAYBE not. I can feel the evening chill moving in BUT A FIRE is all laid in and ready PLUS a fresh book downloaded. I need to go in and turn on a little heat, clean up & put on some sweats and figure out what to snack on in front of the “Blazing fire, Beverage and Book.

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