Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tuesday 7:30 PM

Well that all didn’t happen as hoped. The fence didn’t get completed today. A couple of old timers tried to but. . . I’d say we both (Shorty & I) got a little too persnickety to our own frustration and then complicated the issue by pushing to far, to hard and too long. Oh Wow I never did THAT before - I wonder how that could have happened? Alas life goes on. It’s secure now IF one isn’t likely to want to crawl through a 10” high hole between concrete and rough sawed fencing with security flood lights showing them try. Maybe tomorrow – If we can both get moving in the morning. If not – maybe Thursday.
I burned a pile of the old fence material last night – beautiful fire but I had to get out of my outside recliner a LOT to feed it. Kindling? Oh Yeah!
In other news – Nothing. We ARE close to some 90+ temperatures and the partners will not like that. I’ll probably NEVER understand why 90 degrees is more uncomfortable than 30 or below.
Let me take a short inventory of my current status, tired- Yes, hungry- Eh probably, dirty – unquestionably. I’m thinking address cleanliness first, next hunger, then tired. Getting clean is refreshing & a requirement for me, eating is a “Yeah I guess I need to do that too”, thing. The longer I consider all this I realize that ‘expedience’ is also a factor. Good Night Treasured Readers

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