Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday 5:30 AM

Good Morning! It’s been an OK morning here since 3:00 AM. At 3:00 AM I woke, in self defense, to escape a horrible dream. That is NOT a regular occurrence for me - Thankfully. Then it’s “do I even want to back to sleep? In this case NOPE. They ( horrible dreams) sometimes pick up right where I left them. Seriously Thankful they are rare in my case. The additional complication was the wind was blowing and my shade next to the bedroom was already the victim previous winds so there was a lot of flapping in the wind and associated noise. I got up to verify the source of the noise and realized there was a light on in Shorty’s place. NOW I WAS REALLY AWAKE. Being ready for war already – 900 lumen spotlight in my horizontally extended left hand and .45 in the other when I remembered I’d been in the basement and left a light on and the basement door open myself. Duh I suppose it was a good thing that I was awake enough to remember my own foolishness of leaving the light on etc. The down side is I was REALLY WAKE and considering a return to bed was no question at all. In a few minutes my body announced that it’s desire for a good cup of coffee was also awake and complaining that I hadn’t already started a pot. Fortunately the coffee maker is pretty fast (smile) AND I got just the ‘right for me’ amount of coffee in it. When I drink coffee and I want to taste the coffee and I rely on the grinder’s settings for that amount which doesn’t always come out just ‘right’. This time– it was ‘right on’.
I might have contributed to the entire episode by over doing just a tad yesterday. I did a major cleanup in the front yard and extended it to the neighbors also. I mean – clean up a built up accumulation (“accumulation” amounting to enough packed crushed leaves to totally fill a 90 gal. garbage dumpster and ½ of another.) of leaves and not removing same from the neighbor’s is futile. Any little breeze would just relocate the mess to MY yard. When my courage is back in place I’ll go out and check if my labor was in vain or not. Is my front yard again plagued with leaves stuck to the cactus and in mounds in nooks & corners ? I hope not but I knew it was/is a possibility. I still wasn’t ready to end the “get her done” mode after the yard work. Thus the reason for me being in the basement – get some leftover upholstery material for a couple bar stools that have been sitting patiently in the courtyard waiting for me to ‘get around to it.’ I got ONE done before my body refused to cooperate willingly and began making warnings to ‘cease and desist or prepare for the consequences.’

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